When you feel your car payments have become a burden for you or your family, it is time to learn how to get rid of the car loan. It’s common to see someone made a wrong decision when dealing with their car loan. This often happens when a person is facing bankruptcy. Whatever the reasons are, there are many ways to get rid of a car loan. Follow the step by step guide below to get out of a car loan if you have these questions in mind:
How to get …
In this article you will learn how to use car touch up paint to repair scratches and chips on your vehicle’s paint surface. A car touch-up paint is a small pen containing a small amount of paint that matches your car color. It is available at many auto parts stores at dirt cheap price. Instead, you can also buy a car touch-up paint online via Amazon or other online auto parts store. To many people, it sounds very easy to apply touch up paint on a car’s paint surface. It …
Although an automatic car handles almost everything related to the gears, there are times when you need to change gears manually even in an automatic transmission. These circumstances are such as when you need to overtake a car at a speed very close to you or when you need extra power to go uphill. Compared to manual transmission cars, an automatic car is much more popular because it shifts gears robotically for the driver. Many new drivers who are learning to drive a car prefer to buy automatic cars over …
While driving on the road in the United States, have you ever think how many miles do Americans drive per year? Regardless of age group or sex, Americans drive approximately 36.92 miles per day. On average, Americans spend about 44 minutes a day on the road with an average speed of 50 mph. This statistic is taken from a report made in 2016 by Federal Highway Administration, a U.S. Department of Transportation.
Now here’s a chart showing the average annual miles per driver by age group. On average, male drivers drive …
In the automotive world today, rear-wheel-drive cars with affordable price tag are rare. It is even more rare when it comes to Honda badge. Over the years, Honda only built 7 notable rear-wheel-drive cars which are the Honda Beat, Honda S660, Honda HSV-010 GT, Honda Passport, Honda S2000, Honda S600 and Honda Vamos. Compared to the list of rear-wheel-drive Toyota cars, the number of rear-wheel-drive cars with Honda badge is approximately 10% of rear-wheel-drive cars with Toyota decal. Let’s see what are the models and who knows you might be …
In the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, we have seen a lot of awesome rear-wheel-drive (RWD) cars built by famous car brands. In recent years, most of the car models that used to rear-wheel-drive have been redesigned to front-wheel-drive (FWD). This is because front wheel drive cars are more profitable compared to rear wheel drive cars. It is also the reason FR (front-engine, rear-wheel-drive) layout is now reserved for expensive car models only. Now here’s a list of rear-wheel-drive cars made by Toyota over the years. It is sorted from A …