Articles tagged with: pimped out cars
Cars »

Other than large shining wheels and eye-catching body color, there are still many types of aftermarket parts you can use to build some really cool tricked out cars. LED lights and custom decals are just a few to be mentioned. Last week, a photographer sent us the some photos of pimped out cars and they have received many likes from our readers. Apart from cars, there are also pimped out trucks, supercars, minivan, golf carts, and school buses. Check out the photos of tricked out cars here if you are …
Cars »

What is in your mind when you think about pimped out cars? Twin-spoke 18-inch alloy wheels, custom-made spoiler, cool interior or custom body color? Whatever you plan to do, make sure people will “Wow” when they look at your car. Make sure you pimp it in the right way and don’t be ricer. A tricked out car should be attractive enough and cool enough so that people will take out their smartphone and snap a photo of it. If you are an enthusiast of tricked out cars, check out the …